Salt water or chlorine? This is a very common question among people who are trying to determine the best solution for their own pool. Ultimately, both will have their benefits. So that means you should choose the one that makes the most sense for both you and your family. This article will explore some of the benefits, perks and information you need to know about either option!
Read on to keep learning!
The Benefits of Salt Water Pools
Just to clarify, even salt water pools actually contain chlorine. However, the chlorine level in salt water pools is usually noticeably lower than what you would find in a traditional chlorinated pool. Another big difference is how the chlorine is actually added to the water. In salt water pools, chlorine actually happens naturally. This process occurs through chemical electrolysis, which happens thanks to a salt water generator. On the other hand, chlorine is simply added to traditional chlorinated pools.
For most people, salt water pools are better, because chlorine might actually cause the skin to feel dry or “sticky” after a bath. With salt water pools, the chlorine level is less extensive, causing less apparent skin dryness if any at all.
The salt water generator can actually also help prevent algae and mold buildup in the pool, which will actually help you keep our pool cleaner. Another thing to consider is that salt water generators are typically activated about 6 hours a day during winter and from 10 to 12 hours a day during summer. This means that energy consumption expenses might also be a factor for you to consider.
While regular chlorinated pool might require somewhat regular cleaning operations, most people clean their salt water pool only once a year (expect for stuff like removing dead leaves and debris with a net from the water).
The Benefits of Chlorine Pools
Salt water pools can actually cause some stains, particularly if you have dark surfaces or objects in your pool, you might actually start noticing salt rings or weathering happening due to the salt content in the water overtime, which can be corrosive and even damage your pool in the long run. Chlorine pools on the other hand, won’t cause any stains.
One major plus for chlorine pools is that they are a cost-effective solution. A pool is a long-term investment, so it might make more sense for you and your family to choose the option that’s a little more affordable. That’s the big downside of salt water pools, their costs. These alternatives are often decidedly more expensive than standard chlorinated pools. These added costs are often related to the fact that one needs to purchase a salt water generator, which can be quite expensive.
As you might see, there are both benefits and downfalls to either side. To sum it up, you could say that salt water pools are easier to maintain and offer more advantages to people who are sensitive to chlorine.
On the other hand, chlorine pools are definitely more affordable, save more energy and the risk of the chlorine wearing out your pool is almost non-existent.
Any questions? You are welcome to contact us at All Seasons Pools and Spas, where we will be happy to share more information with you or offer assistance and support.